Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Schwinn Tricycles for Kids

The Schwinn Bicycle Company was founded by German born mechanical engineer Ignaz Schwinn in Chicago in 1895. It became the overriding manufacturer of American bikes throughout the bulk of the twentieth century. The company founder Ignaz Schwinn emigrated to America in 1891, where he started the Schwinn Bicycle Company. He was very lucky because bicycles were very popular at the time and his company soon became a top manufacturer. By the mid 1900's Schwinn was the top bicycle manufacturer in the country. Virtually every child within that time had ridden a Schwinn bike or tricycle at one time or another.

Nowadays Schwinn does not have the popularity they had, yet they again are starting to produce a wonderful product. Many great businesses go through times of decline and progress but the mature ones which have great customs always bounce straight back. Such could be the case with the Schwinn company. Their brand acceptance virtually always carries them through the tough times.

Schwinn is back making wonderful bicycles and tricycles for kids. I really like the quality of the Schwinn Tricycle. You can see them at this Schwinn Tricycle site!

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